Commented "As with many other considerations, age and abilities are very individual.
Remember there are individuals in both major parties that are 80 or nearing 80."
Commented "Subbing one or two days might be alright. But long term subbing for maternity leaves,etc. need more training. Look what's happened to test scores from when students were at home where parents had the most influence on learning. Students deserve well trained teachers."
Commented "Most libraries already have those policies in place. It's the parents place to oversee their children's reading material -not the government. Freedom of speech & access to the speech & writing of others is a fundamental right in our free country. Dictators regulate access to reading and education. "
Commented "I have had to transfer hospitals while on a ventilator to survive. Through the years I have had to pay out of pocket for many prescriptions and treatments to live a relatively 'normal' life with a livelong chronic condition.
Not everyone has been blessed with health and medical insurance."
Commented "I would rather all Missourians be taxed fairly and public education, health care, and law enforcement fully funded.
Also roads, bridges, and public transportation maintained properly."
Commented "She is standing up for the United States Constitution in a nonpartisan manner in spite of personal attacks. She recognizes the very future of our country is uncertain in the current divisiveness. "
Commented "Everyone should be accountable for their actions. Trump appointed FBI head and judges authorized the search. Previous formal requests had been ignored."