Replied "If this covid state of emergancy is not lifted by 06/28 we the people of the state need to ban together and take our rights and freedom back!"
Commented "We are close to 70% she said a few days ago we will meet. Now all of a sudden this contest where she brought a guy from California to help her with. Seriously. If she really wants to end the ristrictions she could do it now. According to her today we are 63% her goal for 70% is
set for 06/28. "
Replied "Brown needs to stop with the back and forth on risk levels. It is making it harder on bussinesses. Stop osha from fining them. which was unfair and uncalled for in the 1st place. She's hurting bussinesses and people of oregon. Forgive the osha fines on businesses! Let us all live our free rights!"
Commented "Mask are unhealthy. My family has a hard time breathing in them. Nobody has the right to know my personal info.. We have the right to make our own choices and not be punshed for it. It's time to stop with all covid orders Brown."
Commented "Mask mandate needs to fully stop in every work place. Social distancing as well. Enough is enough. We have our right, to have our free right to choose for our self's back!"