Commented "This nonsense affects everyone, it is time to shut up and open up!!! South Dakota never closed anything and they are fine, Texas and many states opened up fully and our fine! Sick and tired of these cultist Democrat's, and their control issues!! Red cities work, blue cities do NOT!
Commented "No it is against the second amendment and Gun control is nonsense, the bad guys will always have guns! What we need is more armed good citizens carrying guns so when some whacko starts shooting a good citizen can save lives by stopping them! Oregon needs, no permit concealed carry! Knives kill more "
Commented "It is way past time to shut up and open up!!! South Dakota NEVER closed anything and they are far better off than Oregon! Their suicide rates did NOT spike like Oregon did! Their economy was not hurt like Oregon! Small businesses did NOT go out of business!
Democrat,s are killing America!!!"
Commented "USPS wont deliver to my house, only to the mail Kiosk, so big packages are taken back to the post office, and you have to wait a day and make a trip into town, what a hassle!."
Commented "I expect everything to return, it is way past time to open up! South Dakota never shut anything down, they never had any mask mandates! Not only was their covid cases less, they had no increase in suicide rates like Oregon has. The shutdowns have hurt 100 times more people than the virus!!! "
Commented "Yes of course, we should NEVER have been closed, South Dakota never closed anything and had no mask mandate and their covid cases were lower than Oregon and they did not destroy any business, or increase suicide rates due to the closures like Oregon did. We need to live by faith not fear."