Commented "people say it will add to the DUI...the truth is, they are already there.
I do not use it, but people can and do use it for medical issues. As far as for recreational? To me, it is the same as beer"
Commented "They may be a new driver, an older person or not sure of where they are. Either way, I am not in so much of a hurry that I feel the need to blast someone"
Commented "I buy at goodwill, and I donate to goodwill. IF I find a really great sale (like one year all the kids summer tops and thin material pants were .50 each) I buy a LOT and donate them"
Commented "even good kids are KIDS and will most likely make poor choices at some much more available to them than when I was a teen.....I am raising my 16 yr old grandson...great kid..still a kid.."