Commented "We need to follow the Utah model. Such camps, whether "managed" or not, should never be put near established neighborhoods or schools. They drag down property values and create danger for school kids. There is plenty of land in CO in which to place these camps where they won't infringe on anyone."
Commented "Yes, it blew down a large hanging partition on my porch that I mended and rehung via different type of hooks. 3rd time it's happened. Instead of an eyebolt on a teacup-type open hook, I connected 2 eyebolts with a "quick link" that screws shut. Now the wind can howl and those will not fly off again!"
Commented "Yes! These camps should not be put near n'hoods or schools! I am empathetic; however, some camps can house some unsavory folk which would undoubtedly drag down property values within their proximity, and be dangerous to children if put near schools. There is plenty of open land in CO for such camps."
Commented "Yes, been waiting for a delivery for 2 weeks. They say it is lost. Have reordered, and am supposed to receive replacement this Thursday... we'll see if it arrives, since it is being "delivered" by FedEx. UPS doesn't have this problem. Never have a problem with UPS deliveries, only FedEx!!!!!"
Commented "Neither. I either join friends or treat it like any other day. My family is on the other side of the country and scattered, so we just don't get together for it."
Commented "Personally, it makes me cringe when KTVZ starts off their nightly newscast with some stringy, greasy-haired creep's picture on my TV screen for being arrested. It's a complete turnoff! I usually fast-forward over everything else to the weather when they start with that. It is gross."