Commented "It's part of the checks and balance system. If the bill is so bad that there is no common ground it should be stopped or sent to the people for a vote. If the voters approve, then it should be law. Democrats have used this as well."
Commented "It's so dumb I can't begin to understand their logic. Really? You have to release them into the public to protect them? Protect THEM!!?? Would you really vote again for a governor that is THAT dumb?"
Commented "Keep the trees. Gonna knock down a beautiful tree just so you can walk in a straight line? Really? Figure it out. Don't take the trees out."
Commented "I'm OK with the out door dining if, and ONLY if it's TEMPORARY. Things that are supposed to be temporary around here have a tendency to become permanent."
Commented "Ideally, yes. Unfortunately we have a bunch of governors that think they can "decree" and supersede the constitution. People have so easily given in to the fear."