Commented "The city and county get plenty of money from us taxpayers, they need to make better choices and fix roads with the taxes they get, and fix the traffic issues we have before allowing more building. "
Commented "We own this land and should not have to pay a fee to use it. How about we quit promoting this place (Visit Bend) so that fewer people come and abuse the land. "
Commented "I could not live without my dogs, they are so much fun, and we do dog sports. Unconditional love and affection from them is a plus. I do love cats too, but it would have to be a dog. "
Commented "If there is a gun in the house everyone should be taught gun safety. Locking them up prevents using it if someone breaks in with intent to harm. "
Commented "People are running stop signs and red lights all the time. The more people that come here the worse it gets, and it is time to crack down. I see the cops do it too, they are not setting a good example"