271 Votes
Would you support a flat state income tax?
Bill Douglas
The public is sick and tired of supporting people like you:UM engineering, school grads, who get jobs and state government working in office cubicles with a bunch of calculators and computers. It needs to be illegal for people like you to support these colleges and universities make it a felony.
Zaos Gonzolez
I don't support any taxes. Programs like United States Agency for International Development and the Federal Reserve are the problem for all Americans.
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Bill Douglas
I support putting people like you in jail for having degrees from that university of yours.
Vivian Masters
Too many ways taxes could harm farmers. Farmers need expensive equipment but could be taxed for owning it. America needs food!
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Likely won't ever happen. It removes the ability for socialists to criminalize the 'evil rich' and wage class warfare by screaming "MAKE THEM PAY THEIR FAIR SHARE!!" when we're all paying the same. Libs will surely jump in and gaslight something about hating firemen..oops..fire-people.