Asked by
ABC 17 News
265 Votes
Do you think flags should be at full-staff for Trump’s inauguration?
David Hernandez
One day president-elect trump will be honored with the same lowering of the U.S. flag at half staff. Should proper flag etiquette be out the window for him? I say NO.
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Deborah Greene
NO. NO. NO. FLAGS ARE TO FLY AT HALF-STAFF WHEN A PRESIDENT DIES FOR 30 DAYS!! The rules need to be followed. Shane on Kehoe that he has ordered this. It shows how far up trumps butt he plans to be…we are all in so much trouble.
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Casey Cannon
Putting the flag at full staff would violate flag protocol. Trump needs to learn the meaning of respect.
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Kevin Blount
Absolutely not. All former presidents are afforded the respect of half-staff flags when they pass. This had NOTHING to do with Trump. He needs to stop whining.
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One day at half staff is more than enough for Carter. This is just another one of Biden's political stunts that embarrasses our nation.