611 Votes
Do you agree with local leaders that measure 110 needs to be changed?
Repeal the whole measure! It just created Oregon a drug state.
ReplyWe have seen the waste of lives due to drug addiction and broken relationships.
ReplyLet's try again as this clearly doesn't work. People are putting the drug in drinks to cause additional addiction or a new addiction which people are benefitting from. So much more.
ReplyI thought it was a bad idea to begin with. The people on drugs don't care now what's a hundred dollars (they probably won't pay anyway). Now they will just use the system and my tax dollars for ????
ReplyAbolish it!
Replycommon sense, heavy drug use =crime ,homeless, death.
ReplyRepeal it! Any primate with half a brain can see the results of such a failure. Just look at Pland!
ReplyYes it is a blight upon decent society, it is enabling bad behavior. Just look at downtown Portland nowadays it has become a Cesspool of Depravtion. Penalties should be higher not lower, the lefts failed tactics are in defiance of truth and reality.
ReplyRepealed not just changed. Wasn't this passed just by most of the people the other side of the Cascades? If this was just on counties ballots, no way it would have passed in Central OR. If people are not held accountable for their actions, crime and homeless are what you get.
ReplyRepeal not change!!!