Should the FDA ban Juul sales?

Should the FDA ban Juul sales?






1 Comment
Sarah Croom
Sarah Croom

People will just switch to something else like Vuse or some other fruity vapes that are disposable. Now that they are all more addictive than reg. smoking & cheaper than a pk. of smokes. Sometimes the kids think it looks cooler to have in their hands a “vape” device in general. It’s all sad.



Jennifer M
Jennifer M

There must be more important things the FDA can be doing than worrying about juul pods or whatever they are

Max DeYoung
Max DeYoung

It's about money and control. Juul would be fine if the tax was larger. Govt says tabacco bad, must tax. But tobacco farmers still receive more than $60 million in subsidies a year through the federally subsidized crop insurance program. The Govt needs to be watched closely. They are not your friend

Jack L
Jack L

Juuls are actually a hot topic in some circles, I`m surprised that more people haven`t weighed in. Our position is actually losing in the poll

Max DeYoung
Max DeYoung

The FDA needs to concentrate on all of the Federally illegal State Sponsored pot and edibles stores, then end Fentanyl coming across our borders, before they mess with something as harmless as Juul vapers. Although I don't care to be near them, they are not a sin nor a crime.

Jack L
Jack L

I don`t use them, but they are probably better for you than smoking cigarettes. Just make sure the stores check ID`s and don`t sell them to underage people

Max DeYoung
Max DeYoung

I agree Jack, but it is not about Juul vapers, it is about control. The Govt will do anything they can get away with to maintain control of the citizens. And it is an inconvenience to fight them, and they use our money to control us. It's called Socialism/Communism. Some people are eager to give up.