Which will be a bigger issue in the midterm elections?

Which will be a bigger issue in the midterm elections?



Supreme Court decisions



Which will be a bigger issue in the midterm elections?
Harry D
Harry D

"It's the economy, stupid." James Carville. The left's outrage over the many SCOTUS rulings on RvW, 2A, EPA overreach, are already wanning. Yuuuugggeee red wave coming to sweep the Dems out of power. FJB

Max DeYoung
Max DeYoung

Even James Carville knows none of the Supreme Court Justices are up for reelection. ROTFLOL. Maybe the lefties should listen to James. He is one of them. Nope, not gonna do that. They would rather worship King Biden and suffer under his Bidenflation Policies. This is the best recession since Carter.

Max DeYoung
Max DeYoung

People will remember, that it costs way too much to go to the store, to buy overpriced food, and not having enough money to pay for it. Hamburger helper without hamburger, is already real for many families. And it is going to get much worse, thanks to Joe Biden. LGB

Lisa Gore
Lisa Gore

All plays a part, Trump can still MAGA!! He did it in less than 4 years twice, even with a Plandemic in place. Cause he is the People’s President. Prices of Food, Gas, Shortages cause increases. Our pResidementia is horribly Marxist-Communist. We will vote a Red Republican Wave in! No Doubt!


Supreme Court decisions

Which will be a bigger issue in the midterm elections?
Edi Bodine
Edi Bodine

It is my body and my choice. No abortion is not birth control, but it is a medically viable procedure to save lives. Would our government feel the same if it was their wife, daughter, or grand daughters who was raped? How is this helping with the problems of money for WIC, SNAP, medicaid, etc.?

Max DeYoung
Max DeYoung

Very small number of abortions are to save a life or because of a rape. One abortion per each 76 child bearing age women per year, is not a morally acceptable option. Babies body, babies choice. 850,000 abortions per year, 65 million child bearing age women. Do the math.


Any way you slice it, still a woman's choice


Next topic please. I hope it's not anything to do with guns or the latest mass shooting. We've beat that dead horse enough

Jack L
Jack L

Let the woman decide. It should be her choice

Max DeYoung
Max DeYoung

Let the baby decide. The baby has more skin in the game. The age of majority is 18 in most places, except three states. Alabama and Nebraska set the age of majority to 19 and Mississippi sets it at 21. At this age, let the baby decide if he or she wants to be aborted.