Was the Supreme Court right to overturn Roe v. Wade?

Was the Supreme Court right to overturn Roe v. Wade?






Was the Supreme Court right to overturn Roe v. Wade?
Max DeYoung
Max DeYoung

Abortion has never, ever been a Constitutional Right. Even Liberal Justice Ruth Ginsberg said that. The SCOTUS only deals with Constitutional Law. Abortion has never, ever been in the Constitution. Six highly qualified Justices corrected this 49 years old error. Now it is fixed. This Case is Closed.

Stacie Schroeder
Stacie Schroeder

Correction: 6 political appointees lied to Congress and took away our Constitutional right to control our own body.

Harry D
Harry D

Killing babies is wrong.

Max DeYoung
Max DeYoung

People were angry about the Uvalde, Texas shooting, but the USA has about 620,000 abortions per year. That is more than 30,000 times as many babies killed, by trained health professionals, than the children in Uvalde, Texas. Something is terribly wrong with this picture.

Max DeYoung
Max DeYoung

The very intolerant Left, are already gathering, to start burning their cities in anger. They will also attack Pro-life clinics, pregnancy centers, churches, government buildings, police and anything else they see.

Max DeYoung
Max DeYoung

Pro-choice protesters burn American flag in streets of Washington DC after Roe v. Wade reversal. The Party has started. It will last for weeks.

Max DeYoung
Max DeYoung

Taking a child's life, is not controlling one's own body. A fetus is a separate life, and may even have a different blood type and Rh factor.

Mark Cunningham
Mark Cunningham

States should determine this.



Was the Supreme Court right to overturn Roe v. Wade?
Jennifer M
Jennifer M

Thankfully there are still states that a woman can feel free to choose what's right for her own self. Plus companies stepping up willing to pay for employees to travel and have procedures done for them. Bravo to them all.

Jack L
Jack L

You`re right Jenn, it should be the woman`s decision to make. This is just another way for men to control women

Max DeYoung
Max DeYoung

Sounds like your boy's coach is a good role model. I am happy for you.

lois tyler
lois tyler

there will still be abortions but not done by MD in a sterile enviroment, instead we will go back to the coat hanger variety done in somebodys back room and there will be more botched abortions with sepsis and deaths as a result. do we want to go back to this? why

Mary Ricciotti
Mary Ricciotti

Men should not make the decision for women. A majority of the American public don’t want this!!! If they are so concerned over a egg unable to be fertilized, I can’t wait till they figure out what a period is!!

Max DeYoung
Max DeYoung

The Senate Confirms Ketanji Brown Jackson to serve on the U.S. Supreme Court as Stephen Breyer's replacement, she can't even define what a woman is. How would she ever understand what an egg or a period is?

Letitia DenHartog
Letitia DenHartog

I believe that a woman should have the right to make decisions about her body, with support from her physician.

Laressa Rehagen
Laressa Rehagen

What is this, the victorian era. No man has the right to force his views on me. Leave my life, my body and my decisions alone.

Max DeYoung
Max DeYoung

I am also a father and a grandfather. The fetus, also belongs to the father. You butt out. Since Roe v Wade happened in 1973 over 63 million babies, have had their lives ended, by so called "professional health specialists." I've never seen a baby walk away from an abortion.

Jennifer M
Jennifer M

How dare you Max!? Don't you ever tell a woman to but out if it deals with her own body! How schovenistic can you be? I get you have your views and are entitled to them. It's doesn't give you a right to force them on anyone.

Jennifer M
Jennifer M

If it deals with my body, then I have every right, sir.

Jack L
Jack L

It`s not Democrats who are trying to tell women what to do with their own bodies

Judy Garcia
Judy Garcia

No one should be permitted to tell another adult what they can and cannot do with their own body. Any state that bans abortion is violating the separation of church and state by imposing their religious beliefs on the population.

Lisa Gore
Lisa Gore

Like masks or vaccine mandates right?

Jack L
Jack L

Max, some people don`t share your religious views, or your religion

Max DeYoung
Max DeYoung

ROMANS 14:12 "Everyone" is going to stand before God one day and give an account of their life on Earth. This comment may not suit "everyone". But it applies to "everyone", regardless of their personal beliefs, or lack of beliefs, social standing, where they live, or who they think they are.

Jennifer M
Jennifer M

Absolutely right!

Jennifer M
Jennifer M

Masks and vaccines have nothing to do with religious beliefs.

Max DeYoung
Max DeYoung

And, Coach Kennedy won his Supreme Court Decision about Praying on the Football field. Thanks to six High Quality Supreme Court Justices. Now coaches all over the USA can mentor without fear of constitutional rights being taken away by liberal progressives through agenda-driven legislation.

Jennifer M
Jennifer M

Glad he won. He wasn't forcing anyone else to join him. Nobody should be able to tell him he can't do that.

Jennifer M
Jennifer M

My son's football coach is very religious but he keeps it separate from his teaching at school and on the field. I'm proud this coach stood up for it.

Max DeYoung
Max DeYoung

It is much easier, and more economical, to prevent an unwanted pregnancy, than it is to deal with an unwanted pregnancy. And a life would not have to be lost. Abortions cause a lot of grief after the fact, for many people. Abortions also cause other health risks.

Stacie Schroeder
Stacie Schroeder

Every woman should have the right to control her own body and not everyone agrees that life begins at conception. If you don't agree with abortion, don't have one, but don't force your religious views on others

Dave Ford
Dave Ford

It is IMO absolutely unconstitutional to force ones morals/beliefs onto someone else.

Lisa Gore
Lisa Gore


Max DeYoung
Max DeYoung

Pro-choice and morals don't belong in the same conversation.