342 Votes
Did you learn anything from the first Jan. 6 committee hearing?

Most Republican politicians have condemned the committee's investigation as partisan and biased.
Most Republican politicians have condemned the committee's investigation as partisan and biased.
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Joy Drywater
America should know the truth by now, with 4 years of democrats lies against a sitting President it is nothing but a political smear campaign. Security was asked for several times by the Trump Administration but to no avail. I do not believe one word from the democrats.
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Max DeYoung
Hillary should be charged and convicted, but her protection is too deep for that to ever happen. No one wants to die from Arkancide.
Yes, I learned that it was a witch hunt, orchestrated by Democrat witches, who looked at each other, and placed the blame on innocent people. Same old Pelosi, and Schiff show. And Ashley Babbitt was murdered by one of Pelosi's hit men. Vote Yes if you know it is a scam, No if you think it's a scam!
ReplyThat the democrats will stop at nothing to script up a false narrative in order to try to stop Trump from bein eligible to run for President in 2024...the election was stolen from him. That is what caused the people to come to DC to protest. The staged/fake event will cost taxpayers Milions FJ6C:FJB
ReplyDonald Trump loses a fair election and then starts a conspiracy theory that the election was stolen (debunked by all the courts) Then he encourages a mob to attack the capital to overthrow the election....DISGRACEFUL
ReplyTrump was the worst president and good part of the reason we are we are in the situation now. What happened on Jan 6th is his fault!!!! Lock him up!! Lock him up!!! Lock him up!!!