Should Columbia Public Schools keep requiring masks?

The mask is not saving anyone from anything, I ocassionally wear a N95 for work related dust issues, the dust is obviously thicker than a invisible pathogen but gets by anyway to some extent and you can see the dirt spots where it comes through. The mask is a worthless control tactic.
Reply ReplyI sometimes wear a mask when doing woodworking projects. 72 years old and have never caught Covid. Have worked with, mainly Oak and Hickory, but many other types of wood as well. The masks catch large particles like wood dust. But they are mainly for fear tactics from liberals.
Then please don't wear it. Please get covid. Please be admitted to a hospital. Please be on a ventilator. Please put your love ones through this. And after they watch you die, at least the herd is thinned out a bit more for the smarter, healthier people.
I hope they continue with the mask mandate. Then the fines the schools will have pay, can be given to underpaid state employees.
Masks and vaccines DO work. Neither is a guarantee you won't get covid or flu etc.. they greatly reduce the chances of getting it or greatly reduce your symptoms. I'm living proof. I'd be dead had it not been for vaccinations
mask effectiveness in the school setting has not been shown and there are negative physical and mental effects of masks
Reply ReplyPaper and cloth masks are not effective. Is the school system able and willing to supply a fresh N95 mask to students and staff daily? If not, then, they need to let it go.
Reply ReplyBecause being 18 or over living in Boone Co gives you zero public health education/credentials to make health policies. We have real experts in that field, elected, that should be making these decisions. Let's have qualified, accountable, officials making these policies.
Reply ReplyMissouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt has made the decision. Any and all mask demands are now illegal, null, and void. It is no longer defensible. Discussion is closed. It is over. There will be no masks required. You may wear one if you want. But you can't make anyone else wear one. ROTFLOL
The Science is in, and Fauci is out. He has forfeited his credibility, and so has the CDC. They flip flop daily, and change their fake data, more often than they change their underwear.
ReplyMasks limit transmission of Covid. Period.
ReplyAccording to the MO Health Department study done recently, masks significantly reduce the spread of COVID https://www.kansascity.com/news/coronavirus/article256266117.html Look at the science, not the politics
ReplyHow effective was quarantining students, teachers & others in their homes? If you refuse to get the vaccine, a mask should be your only choice. Anything else is irresponsible for those who would, without a thought for anyone else, pass it on to someone with a medical condition, or the elderly.
ReplyMasking works when done correctly. Our children deserve a safe learning environment.
ReplyYes data shows masking works. If the AG could stop looking at everything through the lens of politics, he might also see it.
ReplyData shows it helps to reduce infections along with reducing the flu. This is a public health crisis! Unless our elected officials have a medical degree, they need to sit down. Let the trained professionals lead us out of this nightmare.