Did the Southern Boone school board make the right decision by ending mask mandates?

Did the Southern Boone school board make the right decision by ending mask mandates?






Did the Southern Boone school board make the right decision by ending mask mandates?

Parents dont have any expertise or experience in dealing with viruses & should get No say or vote over public health policies. That's what we have actual experts for. We don't call parents when our cars break down. Public Health measures are not any parent's choice" to make. No such "right" exists!

Richard Parker
Richard Parker

All parents that wish for their children to wear a mask may choose that option. Requiring ALL students to do so is totalitarian and is not your right to enforce. Rights go both ways. Put your child in a hazmat suit if you like, but don't expect others to be required to join your folly.

Emily Whistler
Emily Whistler

Yes, it's totalitarian to protect your offspring... Wrong. You sound like Casey Anthony.

Zaos Gonzolez
Zaos Gonzolez

Emily, yes. You are correct. You allusion to Casey Anthony has no merit.

Zaos Gonzolez
Zaos Gonzolez

The word you both are looking for is utilitarian. The argument is deontological versus the former. Maybe you should both wait to formulate your opinion, until you can have one that’s worth having.

Michael Moran
Michael Moran

you clearly did not do well in history/civics if you think a single rule about masking during a pandemic is what makes up a totalitarian state.


Another American who has no idea what totalitarian actually entails or means. The state has every right to require masks of every student. That's just good Public Health policy. It's the opposite of totalitarianism. You're being ridiculous and hysterical

Zaos Gonzolez
Zaos Gonzolez

The Bette decision here is school choice. Stop taxing us. Let us pay for our own schools.

Emily Whistler
Emily Whistler

Then go to a private school???

Zaos Gonzolez
Zaos Gonzolez

That’s a fine argument ma’am. If I make that choice, will I be refunded my real estate taxes? Why should I pay for anyone elses child?


If you want to cough up the money for private school, that's your choice. But Public Schools will always be funded my taxes. I don't have kids and I had to pay taxes for schools my entire adult life. I don't whine and cry about it. It's the right thing to do if we want decent schools for our kids.


Did the Southern Boone school board make the right decision by ending mask mandates?
Michael Moran
Michael Moran

it's like yo-yo dieting. masks were proved to be effective, but now it's time for the metaphorical triple cheeseburger, fries, and chocolate cake

Emily Whistler
Emily Whistler

Well over 5000 children sick with COVID-19 in the state of Missouri. You wanna regulate our uteruses but not wear a piece of cloth to protect others. Disgusting.

Zaos Gonzolez
Zaos Gonzolez

Lol Emily, calm down. Trust me, more children are dying from cancer, domestic abuse, abortions, and car accidents. Children have a much better chance with Covid, than they do staying in public schools.