Should Columbia and Boone County reimpose mask mandates in response to the new CDC guidance?

cases are up. What we aren't told is how many of these are asymptomatic, how many with very mild symptoms, and importantly, how many of these were fully vaccinated. No one is talking about new deaths in Columbia and County, because there haven't been any recent ones here.
Reply ReplyThe masking mandates are a joke, remember the walking into a restaurant wearing it but once your seated you can take it off? Where are all these dying covid people? No we don't need any more goofy mandates that requires a bacteria laden petri dish covering our faces and restricting our oxygen. No th
Reply ReplyWow really makes you wonder how all of those surgeons manage to keep themselves healthy while masked up?
Masks are good for people who are afraid of the dark. Masks are of no value to healthy and sane people. If you feel you need a mask, please wear one, or two.
The Government has done enough damage with mandates. Leave us along so we can resume a life without the Government tells us every move we can make. If you want to wear a mask, go ahead. it wont bother me, but don't try to violate my life with mandates that affect my life. America is about Freedom.
Reply ReplyMasks hsve been proven ineffective and can cause breathing issues and harbor other bacteria
Reply ReplyI already got vaccinated so I shouldn't have to keep being forced to be uncomfortable every time I leave my house.
Reply ReplyThey did nothing to stop the spread the first time. They're unnecessary. Just get vaccinated and stop living in fear.
Reply ReplyBecause there is no evidence that vaccinated individuals can spread covid in non-negligable #s.
Reply Reply
I would like to see it return. The same selfish people will thumb their noses at public health. Our shared beliefs of compassion, empathy and community are being replaced by the idea of me and I. How does one believe they are more important than everyone else's life. Thank God I don't underst that.
ReplyMask have been proven to slow the spread of covid and we desperately need this pandemic to end
ReplyBecause our covid19 virus levels are high and being Masks Up until the levels go back down will help stop people get the covid19 virus.
ReplyWe can work together to beat COVID by masking until we reach 80% vaccination
ReplyLow vaccination rates, high Delta variant spread.
ReplyIf we ever want to get rid of this ugly virus we have to get vaccinated and wear our masks until it is gone!!!
ReplyYou can ask this question in another way. "Do you want the covid illness to continue to spread unchecked, causing severe illness and death to some in your community?"