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Are you concerned Deschutes County might be moving into the high risk category again?
Yes, it concerns me!
No, I'm not!
I don't think we're going to move back to the high risk category. Hopefully we continue to stay in the moderate category.
I don't think we're going to move back to the high risk category. Hopefully we continue to stay in the moderate category.
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Robert Northrup
A dozen or two cases a day? Big deal! Out of a population of at least 200,000 people. 70 deaths in the county in the last year and the vast majority already had severe health problems. We are killing people with this insanity. People are losing businesses and our healthcare is suffering
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robert howard
I think that most people have already had it and that it is not as bad as we have been brainwashed to believe.
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Rick Allen
It is way past time to shut up and open up!!! South Dakota NEVER closed anything and they are far better off than Oregon! Their suicide rates did NOT spike like Oregon did! Their economy was not hurt like Oregon! Small businesses did NOT go out of business! Democrat,s are killing America!!!
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I'm tired of the control freak. They need to get her out of there. She is playing with us like a cat plays with a mouse. one minute we can relax and the next minute we are attacked.
ReplyI wonder if they counting non covid cases as covid?
ReplyPeople here resist the CDC guidelines and we're paying for it. Seems like we are having more deaths statewide and people think it's just a game. Death is kind of permanent. Some of the other outcomes don't thrill me either.
ReplyWe are all tired of wearing masks, just a few more months and we are all free. People need to have patience, as well as caring and understanding, for everyone dealing with the pandemic and have common sense.
ReplyWe need to keep our guard up and stop making the same mistakes over and over. The science is clear.
ReplyIt concerns me that enough people still, somehow, don't take this pandemic seriously and will continue to prolong it at everyone's expense. If those people would smarten up, businesses and individuals would all be better off sooner.