Yes. Too much power for one person.
No. They are the experts.
Opponents of the change say health directors are the experts in public health and because of that are the most qualified to make these decisions.
Opponents of the change say health directors are the experts in public health and because of that are the most qualified to make these decisions.
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Lisa Thompson
Local administrations know what is happening in their city/county and should be allowed to enact orders accordingly. (And, except possibly in the case of very small towns, these decisions are not really made by one person - there are others that help create the orders.)
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Kimberly Watkins
Plenty of people already ignore mask orders & add to the COVID-19 spread. Many follow the orders BECAUSE there are orders. Many cities and citizens have been slow to react, if they even do, to stopping the virus. Apparently concern for the health of others rates under temporary discomfort of masks.
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Last time i checked this is still a free country. We do not need the health department following us around telling us how to live. Btw, why isnt your channel covering all the court cases happening with the election? Why are you not covering the thousands of cases of voter fraud?
ReplyThe country is at a very fragile state right now, and if a person were to get drunk on power, it could be very damaging to the morale of that community. That's why our government built-in checks and balances into its law making process, unfortunately there are loop holes that can be exploited.