Is the U.S. helping or hindering the fight against ISIS?
ISIS is a NATO supported, financed and managed operation. Without ISIS/Daesh and the "War on Terror" to distract and scare people there would be much more pressure to deal with internal social issues. As well as no boom in the arms and security trades.
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ISIS is directly and indirectly supported by the USA. The USA is hindering the fight against ISIS.
Reply ReplyI left a comment but it does not show, so I do a reply. Agreed. Christopher Stephens was supplying Al Qaeda as invasion force of Libya and then US supporting ISIS in Syria and for several years not destroying ISIS oil supply line from Syria to Turkey.

The U.S. is certainly NOT doing anything to fight ISIS, especially since they had a hand in creating them in the first place.
Reply ReplyThe fact that ISIS exists is proof the US has done little to hinder them.
Reply ReplyBizzar question in the context that you guys (and I) totally believe that ISIS is a creation and tool used by the US. As you have said on numerous occasion - ISIS is us! ISIS is Mossad, CIA, SIS (Mi5, Mi6) etc.
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I view "ISIS" as just the new brand name for the old Al-CIAda. After the supposed killing of bin Laden(unproven), they needed a new boogeyman.
Reply ReplyBecause it is an empire!!!!!!! Total tyrannical relationships thru out the whole earths idea of democracy
Reply Replytechnically my vote should be in the 'yes' box. America IS helping in Syria by proxy if not directly by funding mercs, providing the hardware and training to all the so-called moderates. Helping in the wrong way as usual :(
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A lot of credible intel Obama and Clinton created and supported ISIS to overthrow Assad so the pipeline could go through Syria.
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Never attacks ISIS, does attack those fighting ISIS, like the Syrian Arab Army
Reply ReplyThe US corporation efforts over 5 years has been pathetic...bombing the desert not ISIL/Daesh which is a creation of the CIA/Mossad and morphed out of Al Qaeda. So easy to see what is going on and Russia has made them look stupid!
Reply ReplyThe US is acting as air support for isis more than anyone, i belive latest development of putting 300 us military on the ground in Syria is to create more potential of russia accidentally killing a US citizen ,
Reply Replythe only reason in my view they are doing anything constructive about ISIS which they helped to create fund and train a ludicrous conundrum, is Russia is dragging the US and western powers kicking and screaming in the wake of the very positive action Russia is taking to destroy this horrendous group
Reply ReplyIt should be pretty obvious by now that Washington's refusal to work with the Syrian gov, Iran (and Russia for that matter) to flush out ISIS, opting instead to 'do our own thing', shows that Washington's priority is to maintain and highlight sectarian divisions between Sunni-Shia in the region.
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I think this is a stupid question for the answer has always been known! :-)