Should Protesters Be Allowed to Shut Down Political Rallies?
Free speech and assembly is a right in the US, although it seems that Democrat Party community organizers do not think so. This sets a very bad precedent. Whether you like Trump or not, he should not be silenced by partisan political mobs.
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No way!!! Freedom of speech should not be impeded. I would suspect that there is some bad money supporting ardent organized protesters.
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Taken to the logical extreme, this is mob rule, and whoever has the biggest mob will just shut their opponents down. Bad news for democracy and free speech, which are not the same thing btw.
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While I'm a big proponent of free speech and the right of anyone to voice their opinions, this does amount to mob rule. Trump's an extreme reactionary, and even has fascist tendencies. Be that as it may, he still has the right to express his ogreish views. An intellectual opposition is our right.
Reply Replythe law of attraction needs to be applied, if protesters want to shut down an opposing view, they can rent their own hall, hire their own security, and promote their own message, and attract people to their ideology honestly.
Reply ReplyIf you are not for free speech for those you disagree with, then you are NOT for free speech at all. Noam Chomsky said that, but I don't need him or anyone to tell me that. What I see happening to Trump rallies is the desperation of the Establishment trying to defend itself from outsiders.
Reply ReplyTo use force against people you disagree with, this is not democracy. This is the behaviour of autocratic regimes. What disgrace
Reply ReplyIf we want to have open free societies with rights like free speech, democracy, etc then we must allow people to have their say, to have their rights of free speech. Once you censor other peoples rights especially to free speech, then you no longer have a democracy, you no longer have free speech.
Reply ReplyWhen parties have to resort to nothing less than deception and crime to succeed. They become meaningless and must be disbanded.
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It wasn't "the opposing political party" it WAS people of Chicago who didn't want to see the racism and violence that occurs at Trump Rallies occur in their city.