Is the end near for ISIS in Syria?
they are like locusts all they are doing is relocating to a new area where they can strip and pillage
Reply Reply
Quite possibly for its footprint in Syria, thanks to Russia. But not for the global ISIS "brand" -- which is really what it is.
Reply ReplyISIS. The new word for crisis, no doubt a deliberate theft of the honored name of the of the goddess it belongs to. The 'cabal' isn't dead yet, unfortunately. They will drag their worldwide skirmishes out for as long as they they exist. It's who they are.
Reply ReplyI surely want and hope the war will end but doubt the U.S. has abandoned its tenet of regime change and hegemony in the area. If they were serious about it they would not have plan B, would have reigned in psycho Erdogan and stopped Saudi and gulf dictatorships along with Israel in supporting terror
Reply Replywhatever form these groups take (al quaida/ISIS etc) they will morph into the next big threat. All the while these groups are funded by US/UK/EU/NATO, the end will never be in sight :(
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Because they are moving to Africa and have been Burkina Faso, Camerron, Libya Nigeria, Mali, Tunisia, Algeria
Reply ReplyMan plans, and God laughs. The end is determined. War, famine, slaughter until the end.
Reply ReplyI do not think the Russians will need to do it. The Chinese are on their way and The Daeesh are more or less finished.They will only survive if they go into Jordan, the Gulf states and Palestine.If the Daeesh do that ,then the West have something to really worry about!
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The devious attempt of the US and allies to destroy Syria must be blocked. Russia may be able to do that by calling the bluff on the US's so-called war on ISIS.
ReplyBecause 80% of Syrian peoples say that U.S. & U.S. allies support ISIS & other terrorist groups, and Syrians know that Russia, Iran, Iraq, Hezbollah & Syrian Govt. (with Assad) WILL defeat ISIS etc.
ReplyIraqi, Syrian and Peshmerga forces, along with Coalition and Russian air strikes, are making significant gains against ISIS in Iraq and Syria. Meanwhile, it is only a matter of time before Libyan and Western forces begin to decimate ISIS in Libya.
ReplyUS-led axis powers need to understand that they cannot run roughshod over Syria and its allies, and that the world will not accpet another scam like what NATO pulled in Libya.
ReplyDuring this US Election cycle, US media and political hacks have tried to over-inflate the size of ISIS in Syria and Iraq in order to keep the public scared and secure more money and power for the corporate military industrial complex. The reality is that Assad and Putin have been kicking ISIS...
ReplyWell i truley beleave Russia is doing what the USA wont
ReplyI am hopeful that Turkey will not invade in support of Daesh. If they do, WWIII is imminent because they are NATO. If they are restrained, then Daesh will ultimately be destroyed in Syria, but not in Libya.
ReplySave the world
ReplyBecause you asked for it.
ReplyBecause Russia is a superpower to be reckoned with. It's military is second only to the U.S.'s. It is clearly capable of projecting vast military power far from its own borders rapidly and efficiently
ReplyThey are done within the next 3 months.
ReplyLike any army it needs it's supplies, whether arms or food, these will slowly disappear, once their paymasters realize the game is up, didn't the pentagon loose 2.3 trillion dollars day after 9/11,
ReplyTheir fuked
Replynot a fan of us/israel inspired terrorists attacking syrian people
ReplyISIS will just be our never ending covert operation in Lybia, and Somalia.....
ReplyRussia has shined the light on all cockroaches supporting terrorists in Syria.
ReplyRussia will not give up.
Replyi like the color gold
Replyperhaps, with the Russian actions and destruction of ISIS, plus the ceasefire, many are starting to wake up?
ReplyBecause Russia will take his mission to the end, even if it is up to the borders of the US and Europe, where there are terrorists from the CIA, MOSSAD, M6.
ReplyI want to believe the end of "ISIS" is near. "ISIS" will be dealt a decapitating blow. However, this secret proxy army will continue to fester and be used surgically. It may be re-branded with a new name. All good things come to an end, and fortunately, so do the bad, and "ISIS" is no exception.
ReplyI don't think that the Imperium is ready for a war with Russia. It's a would-be global administration based only on manipulation and fraud, nothing productive. I'm hoping that the truth of what's happened in Syria is proven, and that crippling reparations are put into place. I can dream.
ReplyBecause the world has woken up to the way the cabal is operating and people in key positions are turning against them.
Replybecause russia did not fund the terrorist the us on the other hand has
ReplySince the other side is a sham!
ReplyBecause USA & UK and their allies in arab world is the root cause of all evil & problems on earth not the solution. Wherever they set their evil shadow that country is destroyed & obliterated,
ReplyThe people who created ISIS will not give up.
ReplyThe forces against the terrorist are more powerful and cordinate than the terrorist.
Replybecause no other world leader has the balls to do whet Putin is doing, they are all sat about dithering, and by the time they pull their finger out and do something it will be too late, i
ReplyThank you Russia. Goes to show that Obama has had a different agenda all along
ReplyThis story has gone too far on waiting does not make sense.
Replycause Putin said end this U.S. b.s..done
ReplyRussia is powerful and so Vladimir putin
Replybecause they are really acting that way
ReplyPutin does shit he says he will do. And if he says he will destroy isis. Then isis will get destroyed
ReplyThey are effective.
Replyair strikes alone is not enough. boots can solve.
ReplyThey are doing more in 72 hours than we have done in a year. What have we been doing?
ReplyPutin Rocks
ReplyBecouse the west don`t fight terrorists, the west create them with all their eternal ridiculous "war on terror".
ReplyTheir disregard for human rights will make them feared by isis,and strike terror into the general population who keeps feeding the isis manpower resources
ReplyBecuse the U.S. and the West are not destroying ISIS afterall...instead they become stronger
Replybecause i wasz tired of hearing about the half assed job the obama admjn. was doing
ReplyRussia does not play games. It is not like USA that supports ISIS secretly in order to destroy the Syrian government. Hopefully the end result will be the disappearance of the USA from Syria and Iraq.
ReplySetting an example of what will happen to the terrorists organizations is what kept Khadafi quiet for a quarter of a century after Reagan bombed him. The biggest shame today is it has to be Russia
Replybecause they aren't backed by the Israelis
ReplyBecause someone needs to clean up the mess the U.S. makes
ReplyBecause Putin and Assad are speaking the truth, all this upheaval in the Middle East has been caused through western interference with ulterior motives.
Replybecause if you think i believe the west when they create these wars and knowingly do so you are very badly mistaken
ReplyUSA is the terrorist.
ReplyThe western backed rebels need to be stopped and any help from Russia or any other country is welcome.
ReplyTo end the greater lsrael project is to secure a global peace
ReplyThey will Help to Destroy isis that the war mongering West accidently ? Created !
ReplyIs in not obvious ( to the well informed ) what the West and Israel are doing ? Yet, it should not surprise anyone, for it's documented many times over as for their intentions.
ReplyIt's a step in the right direction
Replysomeone needs to put an end to this madness and Putin will just know how to sort out those ragtag terrorist
Replythe west are useless
Replybecause it will make terrorist's thinks twice before pissing off russia
ReplyTired with US propaganda of condemning ISIS while funding them. Forward Russia, Forward. backward never.
ReplyIts all pre planned.
Replyamerica britain and israel fund isis
ReplyI think the Russians know what they're doing unlike the West.
ReplyPutin is a real leader
ReplyFo% the sake of PEACE to prevail!
ReplySomebody needs to do something!!