Should US/UK/EU-funded White Helmets receive a Nobel Peace Prize?

They are a terrorist rescue organization assisting in the destruction of Syria.
Reply ReplyThe White Helmets are part of the fake news manufacture intended to cause outrage against President Assad and to keep the public onside with the US and Western coalition illegal invasion of a sovereign State (Syria). They operate in rebel held areas because they are terrorists.
Reply ReplyThe White Helmets are volunteers: butchers, bakers, candlestick makers and (terrorists). If they are volunteers why would US/UK etc be giving them millions. Syria already has the real Syrian Civil Defence... White Helmets are the start of the West setting up Shadow State... Assad stay strong.
Reply Replyall available data shows their questionable funding points to their being involved with terrorist groups,also how they magically show up while not really doing anything.
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The White Helmets are members of a Western backed NGO who is pursuing Western NOT Syrian agenda! Their connection with the alQaida group; Jabhat alNusra, is well established! The Nobel Peace Prize is a desperate attempt by the Western financiers, to legitimise this "civil defense" group!
Reply ReplyPeace-makers do not carry firearms, or chant anti-government slogans....but the white helmets do
Reply ReplyA Syrian from Aleppo was recently quoted as saying this "The White Helmets don't rescue anyone. They just drive around in trucks with guns threatening people because they are terrorists." The White Helmets are terrorists. Their videos are propaganda. So a big NO!
Reply ReplyThese are terrorists who operate for the CIA and NATO intelligence services to destabilize Syria. They are responsible for the deaths of countless innocent Syrians and need to be jailed, not celebrated. However, I remember US President Obama's Orwellian defense of war as a means for peace.
Reply ReplyThe White Helmets have been exposed by their own videos as Charlatons and terrorist collaborators. The idea that they should be awarded any prize is repugnant. Their only prize should be a fair trial at The Hague.
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White Helmets are actually the Black Helmets...another inversion of reality!
Reply ReplyThe Nobel Prizes are prizes the elite give to its favourites. If they give to the white helmets they have legitimacy. We on one hand do not care what Nobel etc. does. It's all THEIR money not ours, but we do have reason to decry the blatant attack on civilized society this represents.
Reply ReplyThey are US and NATO funded organisation connect to Al Nusra and Al Qaeda, they were given over $60 million by the US, UK and EU member states.The White Helmet leader, Raed Saleh was deported from Dulles airport on the 18th April 201 as he was on a database of those who were a security risk.
Reply ReplyI've been following every step since the 2003 invasion of Iraq and have learned so much about the tactics and strategies of the US, UK and NATO and the pseudo NGO's that are created to do Empires bidding. The white helmets are obviously exactly as Vanessa Beeley has described.
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Soros funded petrodollar jihadi's recruited for humanitarian propaganda.
Reply ReplyWhite Helmets are al qaeda in White Helmets! The evidence is in the unedited footage!
Reply Replythey are just an arm of the NATO proxie forces and work with terrorists trying to destroy Syria
Reply ReplyPromoted by US and allied propaganda, funded by Soros, they do not work for the interests of the Syrian people ... responsible for keeping the conflict going and they seem to have links with terrorist groups who are waging an US proxy war against a the sovereign nation and its democratically elected
Reply ReplyThe White Helmets have been exposed as Al Qaeda embedded rescue workers and propagandists. They are funded by the US, which by its own documents has admitted to orchestrating regime change in Syria, and supporting terrorists to that end.
Reply ReplyAny organisations which is free to roam alongside ISIS and its partners has to be suspect and this group actually PARTICIPATE with them !
Reply ReplyBecause the facts are clear, its a foreign propaganda tool and part of extremists groups that dont care for the Syrian people at all.
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US-UK-EU funded, and they work alongside Al Nusra Front terrorists in Syria? I can't believe the Nobel Committee fell for this scam. Pretty bad indeed. That's the end of the Nobel Peace Prize if this is not exposed.
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Because It Will Make The Nobel Peace Prize Foundation & Affiliates Complicit In Cruel & Unusual Punishment Crimes Against Humanity =>A8_10022016
Reply ReplyThey are basically the eyes and ears of alnusra or alkieda funded by simple minded and dangerouse European and us polititions and their corrupt backers the bankers and the arms industry
Reply ReplyNo way! "... was founded by James Le Mesurier, an admitted former British army officer and mercenary with the Olive Group, a private contracting organization that is now merged with Blackwater-Academi into Constellis Holdings..." http://www.globalresearch.ca/white-helmets-ngo-a-rescue-an
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Most of the time criminals win the Nobel Peace Prize, so I reckon they qualify.
ReplyThese people are dying for this cause and in spite of 21st Centuries claims the WH work with "terrorists" the reality is the anti-Assad fighters are doing everything they fan to defeat ISIS.
ReplyBecause these men that come from ordinary civilian backgrounds are the only patriots prepared to risk their lives against the Russian Imperialist genocide and save lives.