896 Votes
Is Saudi Arabia guilty of war crimes in Yemen?
Hey, welcome to another moronic shout poll. Another poll asking the obvious. Are you OK Patrick?
ReplyEvidence has presented to the UN by multiple sources, including Human Rights Watch - of cluster bombs being deployed by KSA airfare against civilians. On many levels - this is recognized as a war crime.
ReplySA's bombing has killed far more civilians than it has Houthi rebels/militia men. SA's leaders care not about killing innocents - only to damage areas where Houthi's control.
ReplyWe are arming dictators end of.
ReplySaudi's air campaign seems primarily directed toward civilian targets. They're creating a catastrophe for the people of Yemen for a psychopathic sectarian agenda.
ReplySaudi Arabia and the U.S. for supplying the Saudis with weapons!
ReplyMoral hazard by saudi rezim
Replywar for money
ReplyBecause they have joined usa in this crime of humanity
ReplyThe facts are there for all to see.
ReplyYes, war crimes on Steroids.
Replyit is patently, by any standard of humanity, an evil regime whose only purpose is the preservation of power for a distinctly corrupt, evil and barbaric minority..this is more than evidenced by the crimes it is committing in Yemen
ReplyBecause the Saudi establishment are gangsters operating outside of any moral compass.
ReplyBecause them and the Uk, america, saudi, are guilty again of genocide....this must come to an end for the sake of humanity and morality.