Should Apple Give FBI Backdoor Access to iPhones?

Dangerous precident to allow Govt keys to 650 million phones worldwide. The phone in question belonged to a woman whom no one can ID as being at the scene of the San Bernardino Shooting.
Reply ReplyNo absolutely not. This is a disingenuous witch hunt just throwing people away from the real culprits, three tall men, in dark military garb, with military assault weapons, as reported once on the Scott Pelley Evening News. Hillary Clinton's private email server is much more important to investigate
Reply ReplyThe FBI will not stop there. Backdoor access on one device will lead to more monitoring of dissent. Let Apple or a qualified professional open the one specific iPhone instead of the provision of a backdoor device for all iPhones.
Reply ReplyI don't believe they really need Apple to help with this particular phone but it would make it easier for them to do mass de-cryption in the future. On the other hand, with the zietgeist being as it is Apple would gain enormously in the public estimation by fighting as hard as it can against this.
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It may have already happened. This looks like another well-scripted episode of "Fear Theatre" and the jokes on us.