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Reopen the Kurt Cobain Case?
Reopen It
Case Closed
Reopen It
There's just too much evidence that this was a homicide that was completely overlooked by SPD. How did he inject 3 times a lethal dose of heroin, put it all away then shoot himself? Impossible! #itwasntsuicide
ReplyThere needs to be justice for kurt and she need to speak the truth. She had him cremated so they can't dig up the body for new evidence.
ReplyThe truth needs to be told! Kurt deserves to REST IN PEACE! If has so many people that CLAIM to be such LOVING CLOSE FRIENDS/FAMILY, THEN SPEAK UP!
ReplyThe truth has been revealed.
ReplySo there is no room for conspiracy when certain questions ate put to bed
ReplyBecause I believe he was murdered
Replynone of it makes sense. NONE of it. not one single piece of information makes sense in this case and there are too many loose ends that need explanations.
Replycommon sense. way too many facts that can not be explained.
Replybecause the truth has obviously not been told
ReplyCourtney Love Cobain flew on Epstein's jet many times. Houseman Rodriguez circled her name. Friends of mine say they saw Cobain in MK programs in the 80s.
Replythis is the only morally correct thing to do. there is so much evidence that kurt didnt kill himself too ignore. things need to be put right. its what he would have wanted.
ReplyBecause it needs to be done
ReplyBecause of the forensic evidence.
ReplyToo many inconsistancies, huge fails on behalf of the investigating police department (ruling and closing a case the same day it happens?),the note wasn't a suicide note¬ all his writing.
ReplyThe police ruled it a suicide on the same day they found his body, and before any standard protocol like autopsy, fingerprints, ballistics, toxicology & interviews of close persons was undertaken. Several aspects of the crime scene indicate that foul play could have occurred.
ReplyIf there is any doubt that he might have been murdered?? This case needs to be reopened!!!
ReplyBecause he did not kill himself and those who did kill him need to be held accountable.
ReplyCase open and closed same day. The case was closed prior to any investigation including toxicology and testing for prints. In short, the case needs to be looked at by an outside law enforcement agenc
ReplyTHE SPD should have never decided Kurt's death as a suicide on the spot. They should have investigated fully before making any decisions. I believe Kurt is owed a complete investigation.
ReplyBecause there is a larger picture to look at here, we can't ignore the forensic evidence and we won't believe everything that the MSM spits out to us over the tvs.
ReplyMost artists are ill-legally ripping ID ... patent kill god and big pharma, not funny. They owe ... See viv comments ... J. -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pd8DGsbqSPU
ReplyThere are way too many facts to be ignored! I don't understand why this hasn't been properly investigated already.
ReplyBecause Cobain was murdered.
ReplyThere's too much evidence not properly handled and unanalyzed like the letter allegedly written by Cobain himself (I.e. suicide letter). Courtney love had a clear motive against her late husband.
ReplyIt was murder
ReplyToo many inconsistencies and very suspicious. I feel he was a victim of an arranged murdee
ReplyHe was killed. Detective Grant can prove it. Every Courtney's word is a total nonsense
ReplyBecause There Is Possible Evidence That Makes Me Believe That Kurt Was Murdered And Did Not Kill Himself!
ReplyThere are too many things that do not add up. Forensics that don't seem to make sense, the fact that it was immediately ruled a suicide without proper investigation. Kurt deserves the truth to come out
ReplyThe botched SPD 'investigation' and the high profile death is enough to reopen the case.
ReplyI believe from all the forensic evidence he was murdered. People lie Evidence does not !!!
Reply20 years is a long time. And I think fresh eyes with the help of new forensics. Would have a clearer picture of what happened.
ReplyI believe the evidence doesn't show a suicide but a conspiracy.
Replysaw the movie
Replymany objective facts were overlooked. It's actually quite scary how easy it is to set up a person's death. Thing is, "Love" is not that bright of a person !! Kurt deserves a second look!
Replybased on the apparent new evidence and Love's inconsistent testimony. It's certainly worth re examining the situation surrounding the case.
ReplyThere should not be precedent set for law enforcement to NOT fully investigate ANY violent death. Especially seeming suicides of prominent and high profile individuals of substantial means and wealth. It's hardly smart let alone logical.
ReplyBecause the case has obviously not been dealt with correctly, and justice has not been served, The heroin use alone suggests it was impossible for him to trigger the gun, plus, Courtney's motive
ReplyBecause a huge injustice was done in 1994 and its time the truth came out.
ReplyBring the truth out for kurt
Replykurt was not suicidal, courtney wanted her fame
ReplyMy god look at all the evidence that screams MURDER.....its sad what people will do for money.This case needs to be reopened justice needs to be served.
ReplyToo much evidence points toward homicide.
ReplyKurt Cobain has almost 3/times the lethal amount of heroin in his system, Courtney love had asked el duce to kill Kurt in 1992 and he passed a polygraph test, and then he too ended up dead. Too
ReplyThe lies upon lies Courtney told
ReplyI believe Courtney murdered Kurt for money and fame. Kurt would never leave his daughter, Frances, with that monster. Courtneys lies and her darkness need to be brought into the light. JUSTICE FOR KURT!!!
ReplyIt's obvious foul play was involved and the people responsible for Cobain's death need to be held accountable for what they did. Justice for Kurt!
Replyhe did NOT kill himself. the SPD and the coroner were friends with CL. if the autopsy photos and report are public on a child, jonbonet ramsey, why the heck not on kurt cobain???
ReplyTo get to the truth and if he was murdered, to bring justice.
ReplyIt all seems odd. If you look at the facts they all point to murder. This was not suicide and Kurt deserves justice!
ReplyI dont think it was a suicide
Replytoo many un-answerd questions
ReplyI beleave kurt had more to live for and wouldnt leave his little girl like that
ReplyLove did it! I've always believed she did it!
ReplyThis case needs re-opening, due to the facts that evens leading upto the death of Kurt Cobain seem to look like it is a set-up & staged as to look like a suicide.
ReplyAll evidence points to it being murder. Its a shame that because of Courtney love making it look like Kurt was suicidal the police looked right past the evidence. He deserves justice
ReplyCause I believe he didn't do it cause there is no way someone can be under that much heroin and still use a shotgun so I say reopen the case
ReplyInsane amount of new evidence showing foul play
ReplyAll deaths should be investigated thoroughly.
ReplyThere seems to be enough compelling evidence to show that Cobain wasn't a 'suicidal wreck' as the media portrayed him... that bias seems to have warped due process in this case... Reopen it.
ReplyThere is no conclusive evidence.
Replybecause of the evidence provided by Soaked in Bleach
Replyjustice for kurt
ReplyLove est coupable