Commented "Yes. I lived out of a backpack for years. I'm currently housed until March 1, 2020 then it is $1,200 month to month or I'm back on the street. Would you like to chat about it? "
Commented "Attended one this morning. My first job out of College was hosting Welcome to Oregon Wednesday's for Senator Smith (Weekly Town Hall in DC). Now I'm a Hatfield-Democrat within BEND's Historical Record"
Commented "That is a Hell of an Interest Rate underwritten by folks living paycheck to paycheck: $99 per $1000 in monthly rent. How does that factor with other reasonable and neccessary expenses? Total not part!"
Commented "Why else would it be OG? -> Oregon Green. Remember, there are many Little Rocks, Bends and Boulders on the battlefield of red, white and blue. "