Do you think the Portland protests should end?
Yes, it's enough!
No, they shouldn't!
I think it's one's right to protest. If people want to continue protesting it's their right.
I think it's one's right to protest. If people want to continue protesting it's their right.
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Larry Hunt
Peaceful protesting should continue if desired. No more rioting, looting, graffiti, etc. Respect for the police and property. The storm troopers must leave. Only good trouble.
Reply Reply
Yes, if the feds leave brown and wheeler should bring in the national guard
ReplyThe destruction, violence, and anything that constitutes "riot" needs to end. Peaceful protests need not end.
ReplyCriminal activity is criminal activity and has to be stopped. The Mayor needs to grow a backbone.
ReplyThey aren't protests they are riots and the riotous perps should be in jail for the crimes.
ReplyLet the business owners have a crack at those idiots rioting,looting etc. That's nothing to do with equality,anyone who thinks it is(kate ,wheeler) , are complete dumbasses
ReplyLet’s do something constructive to makes changes.
ReplyPeaceful demonstrations are fine, but ANTIFA's riots should never have been allowed to start. The PDX Mayor, City Council and Governor should be held accountable for all the injury and destruction.
Replythey do not even know what they are protesting
ReplyEnough is enough Gosh, people who vandalizes other people's property who cares whose it is needs to be arrested if it's my property or your property or the governments they need to be arrested..period
ReplyENOUGH Rioting, burning and destroying property!! Portland is getting known as Oregon's HELLHOLE allover the world! Who would want to live in a city with an incompetent mayor and governor !!!
ReplyThe train should be destroyed. This man who made the train is a convicted sexual predator and his train should go to the dump. Please listen to this young lady, her life matters!
ReplyThey should never been allowed to start.
ReplyDomestic terrorism is illegal. Peaceful protesters is one thing, what is happening in PDX each night is criminal activity. Tax payers should not be held responsible to pay for revitalization.