Do you think the 10 p.m. curfew will stop the spread of Covid-19?
Yes it will!
No, it won't !
It's useless to have a curfew. Businesses are following the proper safety precautions. It's not fair to them.
It's useless to have a curfew. Businesses are following the proper safety precautions. It's not fair to them.
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Kimmy Wasatch
The same people would still be in the bar and if they are fine at 10 pm, I wouldn't think that a couple more hours would make a difference.
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Richard Dillard
How is having a curfew going to stop the virus. If the virus is blocked by a 10 pm curfew then why not make it 7 pm. Time does not stop anything, how stupid our we.
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Ben Hargis
Why? Does covid intensify it's contagiousness at certain times? Is there more people out and about after 10:00 pm?
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Pennie Holiday
The Democratic Party is doing this and News says what the Democrats tell them to say.
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Lynn Huntley
People will be stupid with or without curfew. They are like willful children--"I don't have to" and throw their tantrum.
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It will help. Can we all wear masks + control ourselves for a few months so we can get our lives back?
ReplyIt won't stop the spread, but it will slow it. Young people out at bars and late night spots will not be careful and will spread the virus.
ReplyHAVE A CURFEW! Everyone should think of their loved ones. Everyone should wear a mask.. I'm sorry kids need to do it too, it will keep everyone safe & healthy in the long run. Our babies are precious